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Oprah asked five people - all with different views and beliefs - this question and received some beautiful answers. Take a quick watch and think, what does prayer mean to you?  Even if you may not approach prayer the same way as those in the video, it starts the conversation on God, prayer and spiritual life. In this video she interviews Brene Brown, Phil Jackson, Kerry Washington and more.

I wanted to say a little something about your time on SlimPlanG and why I feel so strongly about this program. I love it because it goes right to the heart of living God's Best Version of You and that's your choices. The six weeks on SlimPlanG are all about making healthy choices. Choices that will move you forward in your diet and weight loss.

​There’s something about jumping into the unknown - either metaphorically or physically – that does something to you. It makes you feel. Whether it’s a feeling of being alive or out of control or fearful or carefree; you can’t escape it and you have to talk about it.

We’re supposed to be different” read my shirt as I went on a morning run during a recent trip to France. I didn’t give much thought to the shirt; I threw it on mainly because it was on the top of my pile of clothes. But as I made my way through town it occurred to me how poignant this really was. We are supposed to be different and the beauty of it was apparent in every face and place I passed.

Action. I absolutely love this word and what it stands for. It's one of my favorites in the English language. Where there is action, there is change and growth. When we take action, that's where real life happens and we experience it to its fullest.

​Do you look at yourself as a work of art? I know it sounds a bit funny but it’s something I’ve had on my mind recently. I recently visited the Cologne Cathedral in Germany. It’s massive and overwhelmingly beautiful with colorful stained glass windows, stone sculptures and carefully tiled floors.

One of my favorite excerpts from literature comes from The Velveteen Rabbit. It’s a story for children but I don’t think we grasp the true meaning and depth of this story until adulthood. And I doubt there is a more poignant exchange in all of literature about life. The passage is about Becoming Real.

​Patience is hard for me, especially when it comes to my life path. I want to have it all figured out now. I don’t want to wait any longer to figure out my purpose or have an impact. And why do I feel like I’m moving so slowly towards accomplishing everything I want in my life?

​Do you know Dan Eldon? If not, get ready to be inspired by this young man. He tragically lost his life at 22 but in his short time on earth, he lived life to its absolute fullest. Take a look at the video in the Just For Fun section. Every time I watch it, I am re-energized by his story to Make My Mark.

“Place your hand over your heart. Feel that? That’s called purpose. You’re alive for a reason. Don’t forget it.” A friend posted this on Instagram and it stopped me. I then put my hand over my heart and felt the beats- one by one. In that small moment I promised myself I would never stop growing so I can live a purpose-driven life.